Monday 15 May 2017

Deconstructing an advertisement

Make observations:

  • Gender is female. race is most likely to be white, the girl looks to be in her mid 20's, and her facial expression is the "resting bitch face" look.
  • The camera angle looks to be a bit below eye level and it would be considered close because it's would be in her personal space.
  • The colors used in the ad are not bright or they don't really stand out to me.
  • Yes this advertisement does have text and its pretty big but not too big, the only thing that really catches your eye is "Got Milk?" and the slogan is just kind of there.

Determine the purpose of the ad:

  • I personally don't think that milk is the product being sold, I think that sex is. Why else would the cup of milk be by her private areas? and why would her shirt me buttoned down so much that he boobs are almost popping out of her shirt?
  • No I don not find the product appealing because I only drink milk when it's in cereal or if it's chocolate milk.
  • The audience for this advertisement would vary to everyone who likes this sort of thing.
  • The feeling this ad should give off to males would be horny but for females I would say I'm more disgusted.

Determine the assumption the ad makes & the message it sends:

  • The message would be for females that if you drink this milk then you'll have a body like her and that you'll look as good as she does. But the message for males would be different because it's a girl dressed 'slutty'.

Friday 28 April 2017

How to read an advertisement

  1. The audience for this commercial would have to be everyone although  it only shows us two brothers. I want to say everyone because not only do siblings drink this beverage.
  2. The commercial is populist because like I said in question #1, not only do siblings drink this but most people do!. The commercial relies upon brotherly love, so it's trying to connect itself coke.
  3. My knowledge on this beverage is that it isn't healthy for any athletes or anyone in general. But the commercial doesn't help me understand the product more, if anything it makes everything more confusing.
  4.  The commercial doesn't influence me on buying the product because either way I will, I love coke but a commercial that has influenced me on buying the product was the coke commercial with the names on the bottles!

Ethical Advertisement

  • The speaker for this advertisement is 'Health Canada'.
  • I think that the audience is intended for pregnant women or people who smoke in front of children.
  • I somewhat know because of the picture it gives us on the package.
  • In all honesty I don't think that the audience influenced the smoking companies to advertise this because if you want to sell smokes than 'health Canada' does have a policy on you HAVE to have somewhat of a warning on the package.
North Korea is a silly Country, the fact that the president of there is trying to make all men have the same hair cut is absolutely horrible. Also if the women only have what 15? choices of hair is bad. North Korea is a funny country because they make it seem like it's something it's not comparing it to Africa so instance.

Tuesday 4 April 2017


I personally think that filming is a fun experience but for me I do not have the eye to make my own movie. I'm still struggling on my own and it was due before spring break, oh my goodness. 
Excel and Budgeting

We used excel for our budgeting because apparently it's the best way but for me I didn't really know what I was doing so I got lots of help from Jeremiah or Kiera. But as I started to understand I do believe that it's the better way to work on this sort of stuff!

Friday 3 February 2017


Piracy is the unauthorized use or reproduction of another persons work, so an example for that would be downloading music,movies or books and calling it your own. I don't think that piracy is bad because what would people watch, what would they listen too, oh my god. WHAT WOULD THEY READ?? I know a couple people who download music and what not, I am one of those people. Hmmm now in all honesty is it good or is it bad? Because this is just what i think, many people have their own opinions. whats yours?